This tutorial helps you install percona server in CentOS as a replacement for MySQL server. According to Percona, Their “MySQL service clients and open source software users achieve breakthrough results with MySQL: cost savings, faster time to market, higher system up-time, and long-term scalability. MySQL performance is a focus for all that we do”.
- If we do have MySQL server installed on the server, it is better to install the same percona server version so that ALL data can be kept in tact.
- Setup Percona yum Repository:[bash]$ rpm -Uhv[/bash]
- If we do have mysql installed with php-mysql extension before, just remove it:[bash]$ yum remove mysql-libs[/bash]
- Install Percona server and client software:[bash]$ yum install –nogpgcheck Percona-Server-client-55 Percona-Server-server-55[/bash]
- Re-install php-mysql library:[bash]$ yum install mysql-libs[/bash]
. If mysql and php is installed using remi repository, remember to use
[bash]$ yum –enablerepo=remi install mysql-libs[/bash]
- One important thing to remember: Percona use the service named mysql, not mysqld as MySQL server. So when starting the mysql service, remember to use[bash]$ service mysql start[/bash]
That’s all. Happy performance tuning with Percona server 🙂