Install KingSoft Office for Fedora 17/18/19 or CentOS

original73934_kingsoft1Kingsoft Office is an office suite developed by Zhuhai based Chinese software developer Kingsoft.  This offers most of the features and functionality like Microsoft Office. This tutorial guides how to install KingSoft Office for Fedora users.

KingSoft Office includes the following components: Kingsoft Writer, Kingsoft Presentation and Kingsoft Spreadsheet. Kingsoft Office personal version is completely free. With the Kingsoft Office suite, you can view, edit, and send Microsoft Office documents, spreadsheets, and other data on Linux.

KingSoft Office Installation

wget -O kingsoft-office-TechLW.rpm
sudo yum localinstall kingsoft-office-TechLW.rpm
sudo rm kingsoft-office-TechLW.rpm

Font Installation

After installing KingSoft Office, we will need to install some additional fonts which are only available for Windows version. As these fonts are licensed, they are not included in the KingSoft suite.

  • Go to and download the attached fonts
  • Extract it, and copy all fonts to ~/.fonts folder:

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