VirtualMin is one of the most well-known free website control panel for *Nix users. However, their related software is quite out-dated. One of the most complaints when using Webmin is that the PHP version is still 5.3.3 (from 2010 *__*). So, this quick tutorial guides how to install PHP 5.4 5.5 with VirtualMin.
- First, enable Epel and Remi repository on CentOS:
- For CentOS 32-bit:[bash]rpm -Uvh
rpm -Uvh[/bash] - For CentOS 64-bit:[bash]rpm -Uvh
rpm -Uvh[/bash] or for CentOS 6: [bash]yum install[/bash]
- For CentOS 32-bit:[bash]rpm -Uvh
- Then, simply update PHP and their related packages:[bash]yum –enablerepo=remi install php[/bash]
. After this step, remi will update PHP to version 5.4.x and MySQL to version 5.5.x. In my case, this is enough for the Laravel project, so I can satisfy with it :-). However, if you want PHP 5.5, use[bash]yum –enablerepo=remi,remi-php55 install php[/bash]
- The upgrade will also upgrade MySQL from 5.1.x to 5.5.x. So, we must upgrade the mysql schema after that:[bash]mysql_upgrade -u root -p[/bash]
That’s all. Enjoy coding 🙂