Changing boot order after installing Proxmox on Debian

grub2After installing Proxmox on a fresh Debian following the guide at Proxmox website, many will stuck in the step of “Make sure to select Proxmox VE Kernel on the boot loader (grub2) – Attention: Default is the 3.2 kernel”. The problem is that in many remote dedicated servers, there is no console to select the proper kernel on the boot loader. So we can overcome this by changing boot order when the system starts.

First, we need to view all current boot entry in the boot loader:

[bash]root@germany ~ # grep menuentry /boot/grub/grub.cfg
menuentry ‘Debian GNU/Linux, with Linux 3.2.0-4-amd64’ –class debian –class gnu-linux –class gnu –class os {
menuentry ‘Debian GNU/Linux, with Linux 3.2.0-4-amd64 (recovery mode)’ –class debian –class gnu-linux –class gnu –class os {
menuentry ‘Debian GNU/Linux, with Linux 2.6.32-26-pve’ –class debian –class gnu-linux –class gnu –class os {
menuentry ‘Debian GNU/Linux, with Linux 2.6.32-26-pve (recovery mode)’ –class debian –class gnu-linux –class gnu –class os {[/bash]

The order will start with 0. So in my case, the PVE kernel is in the 2 order. Next, we will update the /etc/default/grub file with the following option:


Next, update grub with


Then, reboot the system and after the system is up, check the linux kernel with

[bash]root@germany ~ # uname -a
Linux 2.6.32-26-pve #1 SMP Mon Oct 14 08:22:20 CEST 2013 x86_64 GNU/Linux[/bash]

As we can see the system now is pve kernel, so we can continue the installation process (next step is Install Proxmox VE packages).

Some Troubleshootings

  1. If after installing proxmox and you face “Could not access KVM kernel module: No such file or directory” even your machine did support hardware virtualization, we will need to enable the kvm-intel module as follows:

    [bash]modprobe kvm-intel[/bash]

    . Then edit /etc/modules.conf and kvm-intel add to the end of the file to have the module automatically loaded at the startup of the virtual machine.

  2. When starting Console on Macbook to access VM’s console, if you face the error “your security settings have blocked a self-signed application from running“, then you will need to go to System Preferences >> Java >> Security >> change Security Level to Medium.
  3. If you face the error “tls handshake failed …” after installing a new SSL certificate to your Proxmox install, it seems that you forgot to add the CA files for proxmox at /etc/pve/. Just add the updated CA certificate file to /etc/pve/ and restart proxmox

    [bash]service pveproxy restart
    service pvedaemon restart[/bash]

    , then restart the Console again.

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