You might be familiar with load testing tools such as Apache Benchmark (ab), siege, Apache JMeter and cloud services such as BlazeMeter, LoadImpact,, etc. I tried many other tools, and found that there is no tool that completely satisfies me: ab and siege are too plain and simple without scenario, JMeter needs time for recording and defining cases (and I personally don’t like its UI, years ago. I have not tried it yet recent years), cloud load testing tools are … expensive, while I am poor 🙂 So today I blog a new entry: load testing with Locust. Hope that Locust does not disappoint me.
I mostly use Ubuntu 16.04 for master and slave nodes.
Install Locust
- Install pip:
apt-get install python-pip pip install --upgrade pip apt remove python-pip
- Install locust:
pip install locustio
Write a simple test scenario with Python
- First, I will install faker lib so that I can easily generate test data later:
pip install Faker
- Next, I will write a file as follows (First I will log in, and then visit a blog or add a new blog entry. I will also wait from 5s – 9s between 2 testing actions/tasks):
from locust import HttpLocust, TaskSet from faker import Faker from random import randint fake = Faker() def login(l): response ="/login", {"login":"[email protected]", "password":"123456"}) def visitBlog(l): response = l.client.get("/blog") def addBlog(l): response ="/blog/add/", {"title":fake.sentence(), "text": fake.text(), "selected_categories": [randint(16,27)], "publish": "Publish"}) # print "Response status code:", response.status_code # print "Response content:", response.content class UserBehavior(TaskSet): tasks = {visitBlog: 2, addBlog: 1} def on_start(self): login(self) class WebsiteUser(HttpLocust): task_set = UserBehavior min_wait = 5000 max_wait = 9000
- Next, I’ll run it with locust with no web for 1 min:
locust -f --host= --no-web -c 1 -r 1 -t 1m
- After checking everything, I write the full test case and then run real testing with a web interface and higher load.